Thursday, May 14, 2015

fatherhood is awesome!

i always said this to my son.....

"its not the flesh and blood, but the heart which makes us father and son"

havin' a kid dosent make u a father. raising them does.
i'm so proud everytime he called me 'daddy' :) 
sumtimes i smile, sumtimes i even giggle tinkin bout this.
cant believe i've been a father for 6 years already.
muhammad hakim, u r the best son ever :D
daddy loves u so much.

and to my beloved father,
dad, u r someone to look up no matter how tall i've grown ^_^
i love u for the rest of my life.
my father is my teacher. but most important he is a great father on earth.

proud to be his father and proud to be his son too :)

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